Covid Update for Riding Holidays 2020

Covid-19 update for Riding Holiday Guests 2020

At Hallagenna we want our guests to be as unaffected as possible during their stay with us. To ensure that the current crisis does not affect your stay with us and your enjoyment of your holiday we have put into place measures to keep you safe and to allow everyone to enjoy our normal riding schedules for July and August.

To provide a safe environment for staff and guests during your stay half board guests will be required to comply to the follow the guidelines


  • All guests will have their temperatures checked upon arrival at Hallagenna. Any rider attending Hallagenna with a temperature of 37.6 or above will be turned away without a refund
  • All guests will be required to sign a document to  state  that they have not shown any signs of the Covid-19 symptoms or been in contact with any other person who has had symptoms of Covid-19 in the past 21 days.
  • Some of the measures implemented for day riding will be exercised during holiday stays.
  • Guests will be served food using social distancing guidelines (Further information upon arrival)
  • Guests will not have use of the kitchen facilities during their stay.
  • Guests will only have the use of toilet and washing facilities in their own ensuites at Hallagenna during their stay.
  • All social areas of the accommodation will remain in use with Social distancing guidelines in place. Guests will be required to maintain these guidelines.
  • Only Groups already maintaining Covid social bubbles will be able to share Bedroom accommodation
  • Catering provision and evening Pub visits will be discussed, and details put into place upon arrival. (Some venues may not be able to be used)
  • During transfers to evening venues and excursions masks and gloves must be worn by guests.
  • Trail routes will remain as detailed in the program with social distancing measures in place where Lunch stops are required.
  • Where social distancing measures cannot be maintained guests will always be required to wear masks and gloves.

If you require further information on any of the above measures then please contact us on 01208 851500.