Covid-19 update for Riding Guests

Covid-19 update for Riding Guests

We will only take bookings for Experienced Riders and private lessons until 13th July. From 13th July we will then be able to accommodate Beginner Riders.

  • Only advanced bookings will be accepted.
  • Rider numbers will be limited to allow safe social distancing measures to be maintained.
  • Groups will only be taken where they have been in contact with each other for 21 days before the date of the ride.
  • All riding visitors to Hallagenna will be required to pay by Card or by Bacs upon booking and before arrival for their ride.
  • Upon arrival riders will be required to remain in their cars until staff have given guidance of how to proceed
  • Riders will have their temperatures taken upon arrival at Hallagenna
  • Any rider attending Hallagenna for a ride with a temperature of  37.6 or above will not be admitted
  • Riders will be required to  provide their own Riding equipment and wear face masks and clean (newly washed) or disposable gloves upon arrival at Hallagenna.
  • Riders will be required to complete the normal required Rider safety forms before leaving their cars. This will include our normal disclaimer document and an additional document which states that  as far as you know,  you do not have any Covid 19 symptoms and that you have not been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 symptoms in the past 21 days. The Ride escort will then request that the forms are put into a plastic cover keeping the information on display.
  • Once forms have been completed  and placed as shown, in a plastic sleeve , they will be required to be checked by staff .
  • By way of a one way system our Ride Escort will then request that you visit the washing facilities to use the facilities and wash hands before riding.
  • Each rider will be required to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds upon entering and before leaving the washing facilities.
  • Once all of the normal paperwork have been completed and checked, Riders will be one at a time escorted using social distancing guidelines, to their horse.
  • Each Rider will then be given guidance to check tack and mount their horse with social distancing maintained.
  • One rider at a time will be mounted and requested to move to a safe area.
  • Other instructions will be given for the duration of your ride.
  • Upon completion of the ride, whilst maintaining social distancing each rider will be dismounted, exit the mounting area one at a time and be requested to go straight to their vehicle.
  • Should any rider need to use the washing facilities before leaving Hallagenna they will be required to follow all signs and safety procedures and wash hands for a minimum of 20 seconds before leaving the facilities whilst maintaining social distancing of 2metres at all times.